• by Sara Truppo
  • 15 Oct, 2018
“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track” (Proverbs 3:5 MSG).
blog-letting go

God, what is happening? What have I done wrong? Have I wandered off course? These questions bombarded my mind as I pondered the current state of my life, which felt like it was falling apart. It was 2016 and I was struggling with feelings of rejection, anxiety, and depression. My business was in debt. I was still single (with no prospects) and about to turn 30 years old. I felt stuck and isolated as my friends celebrated weddings and baby showers and received book deals and grad school diplomas. I felt like a failure and the more I tried to change my circumstances, the worse off they became.

Change came the moment I surrendered my deepest desires to the Lord. This doesn’t mean I gave up on my dreams—it means I relinquished the need to be in control of them. I shifted from doing things my own way and trusted God to do things His way. From this vantage point, I no longer felt like I was being buried alive—I was being planted.

Anyone who is serious about following God’s plan for their life will experience seasons where it feels like your dream is dying or even dead. At this juncture, we discover where our trust is placed—in God or ourselves?

From the moment of inception to the moment of completion, it’s never really about the dream—it’s about our heart. What God originates, He will orchestrate. God is responsible for watering the soil of our lives and producing the dreams and goals He has planted. Our responsibility is to obey Him as He leads.
Remember, you’re not in the driver’s seat—He is! God doesn’t give us the map—He invites us into the journey. Many visions and dreams die in the time between “what” and “how” and understandably so. It takes courage to set your hopes, dreams, and plans free. Faith requires that you release the timelines and outcomes of your deepest desires. Although it is wise to plan and to take steps in the direction of your dream, it’s up to God to fulfill the dream He’s given you. I know this firsthand!
So, what dream or desire do you need to surrender control of today? Are you following God on your terms? Let go of the need to be in control and let God do what only He can do, because with Him all things are possible!

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